Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Alliance Hosts Virtual Discussion on HPRP Implementation

Alliance Hosts Virtual Discussion on HPRP Implementation
Editor: Amanda Krusemark (mailto:info@naeh.org)

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On Thursday, November 12, the Alliance will host a Virtual Discussion on implementing the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP). Starting at 10 am ET, staff from the Alliance, as well as some of our national partners, will be available throughout the day to respond to your HPRP questions. The Virtual Discussion will be held on Community ShareNet, the Alliance online community.

To participate in the discussion, simply register (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102803304176&s=8570&e=001a_jC-Fc7Y3BNuVE6aoEgtJKiD7t_SBCLHPvrdaEBDA-l0pRAqqW57L5kAWE-35kxeU_HzeoY8TP-e_mktmYXx2smXHVgCp7UDuOh16-YtgogZKBKGG6q0Ot_gG24S5DP8mFrACEyH92_8_X-HGiP5XCZIKrS58r2zIIi-nHCU583vM-DSwtUSN_YR3rj9Ha7SfMmbnbk7Y5YG39pl24SPA==)
for Community ShareNet. You will receive email confirmation of your
registration, along with a link to the Community ShareNet site. On the day of the Virtual Discussion, log in to Community ShareNet using the email and password you created when registering. Click on the "Discussion" tab at the top of the page, and look for the "HPRP Implementation"
discussion thread in the middle of the page.
You can post a question you have or challenge you are facing, and Alliance staff and our partners will respond. Participants should also feel free to check the website periodically to follow the discussion.

Register for Community ShareNet